Why I code

In today's digital age, coding has emerged as a vital skill, empowering individuals to create, innovate, and solve complex problems. As a young coder, my journey began in 2016 with a fascination for app development and the allure of crafting my own mobile applications. What started as a curiosity quickly evolved into a profound learning experience, encompassing various programming languages and domains. In this blog post, I will share the valuable lessons and insights I have gained throughout my coding journey, highlighting the knowledge and skills I have acquired along the way.

My coding odyssey commenced with MIT App Maker, where I created my first app—a simple yet interactive whiteboard. Through this experience, I learned the foundations of app development and grasped the importance of user interaction. Soon after, I ventured into robotics, programming a robot using visual blocks, which expanded my understanding of coding's potential and sparked my imagination with possibilities.

As my coding prowess grew, I embarked on my journey with Python in 7th grade. Python's simplicity and versatility captivated me, enabling me to perform complex computations and develop a solid foundation in programming logic. Platforms like Scratch allowed me to delve into game development, where I explored variables, math operations, and functions. It was through this exploration that I began to see the world through a different lens, uncovering the intricate mechanics behind games and even incorporating concepts from trigonometry to enhance realism.

Eager to broaden my horizons, I delved into Thunkable—an advanced app development platform—during my middle school years. Thunkable enabled me to create my own unique applications, honing my coding skills and introducing me to graphic design through platforms like Canva. As I progressed, my interests shifted toward JavaScript and web application development. I utilized resources like Code.org to create informative bloc pages for Model United Nations conferences, solidifying my commitment to coding and earning recognition for my efforts.

In 9th grade, I ventured into the world of machine learning, embarking on a Udemy course that provided insights into large-scale data manipulation. While I couldn't complete the course, I continued to explore independently and created a program to automate my homework. This endeavor not only enhanced my understanding of mathematical concepts but also showcased coding as a powerful tool for problem-solving and efficiency.

Throughout my 10th-grade journey, I expanded my skill set by delving into language processing and backend development using PHP. Collaborating with my uncle, we embarked on an ambitious project—an eCommerce website—to introduce unique products to customers. Additionally, I recognized the importance of structured learning and enrolled in CS50, augmenting my knowledge and diving into competitive programming to further refine my skills.

Each step of my coding journey has been transformative, equipping me with invaluable knowledge and skills. From the foundations of app development to game mechanics, web applications, machine learning, and beyond, coding has become my medium for bringing ideas to life and making a tangible impact. Today, I have a tech blog, a website, and numerous data science projects that showcase the breadth of my learning and the skills I have acquired.

Coding is not merely a skill; it is a gateway to endless possibilities. It has taught me the importance of logic, problem-solving, and continuous learning. As technology continues to advance and shape our world, the demand for skilled coders will only grow. I encourage everyone to embark on their coding journey, embracing the challenges, and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead. With dedication, passion, and a willingness to learn, coding can transform your life and empower you to make a difference in the digital age.

My coding journey has been a profound experience of learning, growth, and discovery. From humble beginnings with MIT App Maker to exploring various programming languages, domains, and technologies, I have gained a deep understanding of the power and potential of coding. It has unlocked a world of creativity, problem-solving, and innovation, shaping me into a passionate and dedicated coder. I am excited to see where this journey takes me next as I continue to expand my skills and make a tangible impact in the digital age. Coding has transformed my life, and I am ready to harness its transformative power to shape the future.